Meet the Fleet
The International Class sloop was created in 1936 by acclaimed Norwegian designer at the behest of Cornelius Shields, who was looking to create a new one-design class to be sailed in Larchmont and Bermuda, and in the Amorita Cup, team races between those sailors. The boat that Shields and Aas created is was fashioned using the International Rule. It is a one-design variation of the 6m class and a smaller cousin of the 12m class sloops that contested for the Americas Cup between 1958 and 1985. These are thoroughbred racers, with a classic full keel and simple sail plan. Surprisingly sensitive and perfectly balanced, the International rewards attentive teams with surprising power, and agility. The boats were first raced in 1937, and immediately proved successful.
Fleets were quickly initiated in Marblehead, Northeast Harbor, followed by fleets in the UK (Cowes) and Norway (Fredrickstad). The boat, a graceful 33′ open cockpit sloop, has stood the test of time. Strict one-design rules — including a carefully crafted sail purchase plan — created by Shields, and carefully stewarded by the class over the years, ensure that the boats are equally matched. The racing is truly a test of teams, not equipment. Shields is famous for saying that he was not a fan of “checkbook” sailing, and the class has acted consistently over the years to keep the costs of campaigning the boat low.
Here in Marblehead, the boats have been races continuously since 1938, and one of our local boats, POMPANO, #45, has been raced here every season since the Marblehead Fleet was founded.

As the fleet has prospered and evolved, international and continental events have been established. Uniquely, IOD events are “provided boat” events. Local Fleets putting on a regatta – whether it is a team race, an invitational or a World Championship, pool their local boats to create an evenly matched racing fleet. Visiting teams arrive need only bring their personal sailing gear, the equalized boats of the host fleet, and their matched sails are assigned to the competing sailors by random drawing, with no local owner permitted to sail their personal boat.. At most IOD events, boats are exchanged each day… at the World Championship, boats are exchanged after each race. Truly, the Class makes every effort to equalize the competitions..
Local racing in Marblehead is competitive and sporty. The IODs are consistently one of the most active local classes. Teams comprised sailors ranging from recent college graduates to IOD veterans with decades of experience – men and women – come out to the starting line to compete nearly every week from Memorial Day through September. The Fleet sails every day of Marblehead Race Week, and joins the Corinthian Classic in early August. If you like to sail and love to race, you might find the IOD is just what you’ve been missing.
Come see what the fun is all about – email the fleet and we will get you on a boat!
2025 Marblehead Roster
1 – Vagabond Marc and Sophie Migliazzo
2 – Elektra Greg Mancusi-Ungaro
7 – Gypsy Bruce Dyson
16 – Tango Ian & Rachel Morrison
29 – #29 OC Partners
45 – Pompano Petter Etholm & Elisabeth Steinfield
46 – Viking Greg Mancusi-Ungaro
49 – Kungsornen Alejandro Camino Calvo
76 – Spirit Peter Stahle
130 – Javelin Bill Widnall
33 – xSmall Hotel Matt and Weatherly Emans
47 – xPrincess Chris Hood
151 – xSaga Ted Cook
x – not expected to sail in 2025